Opossum Removal


At Humane Homes, we specialize in resolving opossum issues with an emphasis on humane and effective removal services tailored to protect your property while respecting the natural behavior of these nocturnal animals. Our experienced team employs strategic methods to identify opossum activity, leveraging in-depth knowledge of their habits to devise non-lethal, ethical solutions for removal and exclusion. Understanding the unique characteristics of opossums enables us to implement targeted interventions that ensure their safe relocation away from your living or working spaces.

By choosing Humane Homes, you're opting for a solution that prioritizes environmental responsibility, animal welfare, and the long-term security of your property against opossum intrusion. Our approach not only addresses the immediate concern of opossum presence but also contributes to a balanced coexistence with wildlife. Trust our professionals to deliver comprehensive opossum management solutions that align with your values of compassion and sustainability, thereby preventing future invasions.

Opossum Insights & Entry Prevention

Life Span: Opossums typically live up to 4 years in their natural wild environments. At Humane Homes, we tailor our humane control methods to align with these natural life cycles, ensuring our interventions are both effective and respectful of the opossum's role in the ecosystem.

Food Sources: As omnivores with a diet that includes fruits, insects, small rodents, and even garbage, opossums can often be drawn into close proximity with human dwellings in search of food. Their dietary flexibility means they can thrive in a variety of environments, making them common visitors to residential areas.

Typical Areas of Entry: Seeking shelter and warmth, opossums frequently infiltrate human spaces such as attics, garages, and areas under decks. They are adept at exploiting any vulnerabilities in the exterior of buildings, including gaps or damaged areas, to gain access. Understanding their search for shelter helps us in creating more effective exclusion strategies.

Restore Peace and Harmony with Professional Opossum Removal Services

Encountering opossums on your property? Humane Homes is here to help. With our humane removal and prevention strategies, we'll ensure your property is opossum-free and secure. Reach out today for expert assistance and reclaim your peace of mind.

Effective Solutions & Potential Risks

Typical Removal/Treatment: At Humane Homes, our approach to opossum management involves the safe eviction of these animals, followed by comprehensive repairs to any entry points they may have used. This dual strategy not only removes the immediate problem but also works to prevent future occurrences. Our humane treatment of opossums during capture and relocation is designed to ensure their well-being while addressing homeowners' concerns.